Truth or Lies

“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood.” William Shenstone

Here’s the thing. I came up with the idea to do these tee-shirts about Trump just after he was elected. Took me a long time to find the right person to help me put it together (Thank you, Maryjane).

It’s all about truth. Trump's a liar. Always has been. Always will be. He’s a New York Real Estate Huckster. It’s telling that he lost New York State to Hillary.  He did downright horrible in NYC his hometown. Why? Because us New Yorkers know what he is. BS from start to finish.

The other morning, I read about Kris Kobach’s new YouTube Video. Kobach is running for Senate in Kansas. He could not win in a race for Governor so moved on to the senate.  I watched it and thought —this is perfect about Truth.

Kobach starts in on Michael Crichton's speech at the Commonwealth Club in SF — the topic: “The greatest challenge facing mankind.” According to Kobach, Crichton surprised the “liberal” audience by saying, “Distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.”  

Kobach positions Crichton as an arbiter of truth. And hey, I agree with Crichton. But Kobach using his answer to twist the truth is a (not funny) joke. The audience was surprised by the answer? Nope. This is the start of the lie. There was no reaction from the audience  — yes, I listened to the talk. Kobach made this up.

Kobach continues, saying Crichton died the same day Obama was elected president. This is true — but what does it mean? Crichton died because Obama was elected? Crichton died of cancer, not disgust. Connecting events does not prove correlation. Kobach’s statement is another lie, throwing shade on a coincidence. In fact, this statement is the kind of propaganda/fantasy that Crichton warned about.

And Kobach keeps it going, saying if Crichton lived he would be surprised at how truth and fantasy have won out. Let's face it: the biggest spinners of truth and fantasy are Trump's Republican minions. They want more and more power, not what is right for the people of America.

Kobach gives his message in a pink short sleeve shirt holding a mug. Y'know, an everyday man. Remember that Kobach was who Trump picked to head his commission on voter fraud. That did not go well, did it, Kris?